POST DOCTORAL POSITION : Microwave metasurfaces reconfigurability : from material to device — Offre pourvue

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A/P Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet Téléphone : +33 140 794 533/ +33 664 545 363 Email:

Mission :

This scientific mission joins within the framework of research works led for 5 years on the design, modelling and realization of reconfigurable metasurfaces in the domain microwaves for applications in Telecommunications, for a high level of miniaturization. The objective of this study concerns the optimization of the intrinsic material parameters involved in metachessboard surfaces with regard to a collective external optical excitement by 3D electromagnetic simulations (HFSS), integrating a light / material interaction such as by photoconduction. A direct interaction with national and international technological platforms will allow the realization of devices prototypes that must be functional in a wide frequency band up to 67 GHz. The implementation of a microwave photonic test bench in free space will allow to verify experimentally the performances waited under various types of illumination assumed by ultrafast laser sources.

Hierarchical environment :

The Physics and Materials Study Laboratory (LPEM) is a joint research unit of ESPCI, CNRS and UPMC (UMR8213). The lab brings together 67 people, including 33 researchers and teachers, 7 engineers, administrative and technical staff and 22 PhD students and postdocs. Its research activities are divided along three groups such as Nanophysics/Nanostructures and Nanomaterials, Low dimensionality and strongly correlated electronic systems and Instrumentation. To accomplish all of this research, the group of instrumentation LPEM has powerful equipment in microwave and telecommunications, infrared optics, electromagnetic and analytic simulation tools, dielectric characterization, and cryogenics. Within the Lab of Physics and Material science (LPEM-UMR 8213), the candidate will join the Instrumentation team, within the framework of activities led on the reconfiguration of microwave functions at nanoscale.

PhD certificate in Electronics/Electromagnetism with strong theoretical background in materials science (metamaterials). Technical expertise in experimental microwave characterization techniques and 3D full-wave analysis expected.

Time period : 15/10/2017 – 14/10/2018
Salary : 2500 euros/month (taxes included)

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris