Post-Doc/Engineer : Encapsulation process for host-pathogens studies / LCMD — Offre pourvue

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Contact: A motivation letter and a CV, including referent persons or letters of reference, should be sent to Nicolas

Context and objectives :
Possible artifactual behaviors of individual cells in 2D, as compared to 3D, stimulate the creation of 3D artificial environments that mimic the physiological environment experienced by cells in any multicellular organisms. LCMD has recently developed a novel protocol of liquid core hydrogel capsule formation well suited for cell culture since the fabrication procedure involves a minimal number of steps and is only based on aqueous solutions and biocompatible compounds.
The present project is funded by ANR in collaboration with Valérie Soulard from Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses (CIMI-Paris). The goal of the project is to take advantage of the encapsulation method for making a new bioreactor that would enable to study host pathogen interactions. More specifically, we intend to dissect human malaria liver infection. The postdoc/engineer will have the mission to optimize the current encapsulation process an to build up a co-encapsulation set-up where micro-tissues of liver cells can be entrapped in liquid core capsules in presence of parasites. The development will be performed with model biological systems, along with cell viability assays, and then transferred to CIMI-Paris for real case studies.
More information can be found here :

Candidate profile :
We look for a candidate having accomplished a PhD or having an engineer degree in applied physics or in mechanical/chemical engineering. Strong skills in fluid mechanics, computer aided design, instrumentation and experimental work are desired. Knowledges in micro-fabrication, physico-chemistry of soft matter or cell culture are welcomed. High motivation, flexibility, autonomy, the ability to work in a highly multidisciplinary team and good interpersonal and communication skills are essential.

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris