***Laboratoire d’accueil :
Laboratoire Gullivers (LPEM)
10 rue Vauquelin
75231 Paris Cedex 5
***Sujet du postdoc :
Theoretical study of the jamming transition in colloidal systems
***Thématique de recherche :
Recently a number of theoretical studies have obtained strong quantitative predictions regarding the critical properties of amorphous packing close to the jamming transition. However probing the jamming transition experimentally in colloidal systems remains an open challenge. In a joint effort, a team in Gulliver, led by Olivier Dauchot and a team at ENS, lead by Francesco Zamponi aim at bridging this gap in order to provide new constrains to existing theories. On one hand experiments will be conducted at ESPCI on the recently acquired fast confocal plateform, while new computations will be conducted at ENS in order to adapt the existing theory, written for ideal soft spheres, to the real experimental systems. Data extracted from the colloidal experiments will then be confronted to the theory.
***Compétences requises :
A strong theoretical knowledge in liquid state physics, glasses and disordered systems in general
***Début :
December 2015
***Durée :
One year contract