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Date of taking office : January 2024


ESPCI Paris - PSL (École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris) is a general engineering school that has been training, since 1882, high-level engineers with a solid theoretical and experimental background. It is part of an internationally recognized research center in physics, chemistry and biology (500 publications per year). It is known for its ability to transform knowledge from fundamental research into breakthrough innovations (2 patents per month, 3 start-ups per year).

It has been awarded 6 Nobel Prizes (including the 2 obtained by Marie Curie) and hosts 400 students, 530 researchers (including 250 PhD students and 100 post-doctoral fellows) in 10 joint research units and about 100 research and teaching support staff.

Since its creation, the ESPCI has never ceased to mobilize its strengths and competencies in the service of major societal issues and to defend the importance of science in the service of society. The environment, solidarity, health, access and openness to knowledge are issues that the ESPCI is committed to considering in its daily work while contributing to their advancement. The ESPCI defends equal opportunities and promotes social diversity. It encourages and values the commitment of its students, particularly in the form of associations. ESPCI also fosters an entrepreneurial culture combined with innovation favoring the creation of start-ups and the filing of patents.

The ESPCI is part of the Université Paris Sciences & Lettres. Number 1 in the world ranking of young universities published by the Times Higher Education, PSL is also in the top 50 of the best universities in the world (notably in the Shanghai ranking).

The ESPCI is engaged in a vast renovation project of its Paris campus which will make it one of the most modern scientific sites in Paris.


The Director General ensures, within the framework of the powers delegated by the Chair of the Board of Directors, the direction and management of the institution drawing on the support of the management team.

• He/she develops the strategic orientations of ESPCI Paris in terms of training, research and innovation within the framework of the axes defined in the strategic plan “PC 2025” and the Contract of Objectives and Performance 2022-2026,
• He/she implements the ESPCI Paris project with the management team, in close collaboration with the City of Paris and in the framework of the general policy of the Université Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL),
• He/she guarantees the quality of the training of engineering students and promotes Master’s and doctoral training,
• He/she ensures the management of the establishment and exercises his/her authority over all the staff of ESPCI Paris,
• He/she guarantees the proper conduct of the renovation project of ESPCI Paris by the technical teams and the general secretariat,
• He/she promotes the opening of the ESPCI Paris to the international scene,
• He/she ensures the attractiveness of ESPCI Paris through a high-level scientific recruitment policy,
• He/she unites the various components of the school (students, teachers, research units, support functions) around the strategic project of the school,
• He/she watches over social opening and equal opportunities, participates in the diffusion of the scientific culture in the society,
• In close collaboration with the General Secretary, he/she defines and follows the financial trajectory of the ESPCI by accompanying the evolution of its economic model based on the development of new financial resources.


Recognized scientist of the international scientific community or the industrial world, he or she will mobilize staff and students around the strategic directions of the institution. Thanks to his or her leadership, he or she will get ESPCI’s privileged partners to adhere to the major decisions.

The success of the future Director General of ESPCI will depend on his or her ability to hold positions of high responsibility and to have a thorough knowledge of the organization and functioning of higher education and research.

Responsible for training, research and innovation, the director general will have to use his or her strategic vision, strength of conviction and charisma to promote the school’s activities. He/she will develop the reputation of ESPCI Paris with all publics (students, companies, universities, institutions ...) on a national and international level.


The Director General of ESPCI Paris is appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and Research jointly with the President of the ESPCI Paris Board of Directors for a five-year term, renewable once, in accordance with the following procedures :

 Constitution, by the President of ESPCI Paris, of a "search committee",
 Call for candidacies,
 Examination of the applications by the search committee and constitution of a confidential list of candidates,
 Selection, by the International Scientific Council of the ESPCI Paris, of a hierarchical list of four names,
 Opinion of the President of PSL University on the pre-selected candidates,
 Hearing of the candidates by the President of ESPCI Paris and the “search committee”, who establish a ranked list of 1 to 4 candidates,
 After the opinion of the ESPCI Board of Directors, transmission of the list, by the ESPCI President, to the Mayor of Paris,
 Choice of the best candidate by the Mayor of Paris and approval of the choice by the City of Paris Council,
 Appointment of the director general by the Minister of Higher Education and Research jointly with the President of the ESPCI Paris Board of Directors


Deadline for submission of applications : May 24, 2023
Applications will include a curriculum vitae, a cover letter with a statement of intent in which candidates will detail their vision of the position (3 to 5 pages maximum) and 3 letters of recommendation.

Applications should be sent to the Human Resources Director, Mr Pierre BAHAIN (pierre.bahain (arobase), before the deadline.

For further information, please contact Mathias FINK, President of the Search Committee (mathias.fink (arobase)


The remuneration package includes the salary and a service allowance.

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris