This PhD project is part of the European Doctoral Network ‘ReBond’, which involves eight Universities, five industrial partners and 15 PhD students.
By combining the expertise of the different partners in synthesis, advanced characterization, linear and nonlinear dynamics, mechanical properties, modelling, and plastic product development and processing, we shall uncover the underpinning relationships among processing and performance of vitrimer-based recycled plastics and elastomers.
Within this framework, the specific objectives of this PhD will be to synthesize and characterize polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) vitrimers, the two most-produced polymers.
Reactive extrusion, a solvent-free and industrially relevant process, will be used to transform commercial PE and PP into vitrimers.
In this frame, new reactive processing strategies and chemistries will be investigated, especially to address the degradation of PP associated to its radical grafting.
Model PE and PP vitrimers will also be prepared by solution post-polymerization modification in order to study the impact of the distribution and degree of functionalization of PE and PP vitrimers on their processability, recyclability and thermomechanical properties.
The strategies and chemistries developed in the frame of the PhD will then be tested to recycle / upcycle PE, PP, and unsorted bends of polyolefins, some of the most critical challenges to be addressed to create a circular economy of plastics.
The project contains experimental works and will be highly interdisciplinary.
It will encompass polymer synthesis and modification, advanced characterization (chemical, physicochemical and
rheological), and materials science (processing and thermomechanical properties).
ReBond is a highly interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial project, the group nvolved are world-leaders in their fields, and the tasks strategically designed to ensure strong synergies.
It offers young researchers an extraordinarily diverse training platform with a deep grasp of soft matter and
unique exposure to industrial environment, needed to address emerging scientific and technological challenges.
The applicant must have a Master’s degree in polymer chemistry, physicochemistry or material science.
The applicant should have a good background in polymer science.
Applications should be sent by email (a single pdf file containing a detailed CV, a transcript of marks obtained during the Master, a motivation letter, and the names of two referees) to:
The applicant has to clearly indicate the number of the project(s) for which he/she is applying.
Starting dates : between October 2023 and March 2024.
Project duration : 24 Months at ESPCI (France) and 24 Months at UG (The Netherlands)