Séminaire Biophysique ENS-ESPCI

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Danijela Vignjevic, Institut Curie, Paris

**Actin cytoskeleton in cell migration and invasion

The broad objective of our research is to understand how cancer cells interact with their microenvironment during invasion, focusing on the mechanism of cell migration and the role of actin cytoskeleton in this process. In carcinoma in situ, the basement membrane represents a physical barrier that prevents spreading of primary tumor to adjacent tissues. One of the questions we are addressing is if cancer cells and stromal cells such as fibroblasts are invading the basement membrane simultaneously or they work together but have distinct functions. Once the BM becomes compromised, cancer cells migrate through the stroma towards the blood vessels, allowing dissemination of the tumor and formation of metastasis. Second question we are addressing is if cellular protrusions, filopodia are sensory organelles responsible for directed cell migration using 2D and 3D chemotactic chambers. Newly extended cellular protrusions are then stabilized by adhesions that link the actin cytoskeleton to the underlying extracellular matrix. Cells move forward by exerting traction forces on these adhesions at the cell front while adhesions at the cell rear must be released to allow cell translocation. We are interested in how tensile forces generated by stress fiber contraction, strengthen adhesions at the cell front but disassemble adhesions at the cell rear.

***Séminaire de Biophysique ENS-ESPCI :

Organisation Team
ESPCI : Olivia DU ROURE (PMMH), Clément NIZAK (Lab. Biochimie)
ENS : Nicolas DESPRAT (LPS), Thierry MORA (LPS)
*********************************Do not hesitate to contact us !

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris