Guillaume Romet-Lemonne, Lab. Enzymologie et Biologie Structurale, Gif-sur-Yvette
**Biochemical and mechanical regulation of actin assembly studied using microfluidics
The study of actin assembly dynamics at the scale of individual filaments provides key information on the molecular mechanisms at play. Using microfluidics, we have developed experimental configurations to efficiently manipulate and observe single filaments. I will present two recent series of results that we have obtained using this setup. First, I will show how Spire and formin Fmn2, two seemingly antagonistic regulators of actin assembly involved in meiosis, unexpectedly cooperate in order to stimulate filament elongation. Second, using the viscous drag of the flowing fluid to exert a calibrated pulling force on the filaments, I will show that formin mDia1 is mechanosensitive and that it is able to put filaments under mechanical tension.
***Séminaire de Biophysique ENS-ESPCI :
Organisation Team
ESPCI : Olivia DU ROURE (PMMH), Clément NIZAK (Lab. Biochimie)
ENS : Nicolas DESPRAT (LPS), Thierry MORA (LPS)
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