[*ESPCI Paris is a truly atypical institution which, time and again, intrigues by the singularity of its model. Indeed, the School, together with its unique ability to generate genuine innovations of real significance for industry, is often the focus of inquiries from journalists.*]
If you wish to shine some light on the School, bring information to your readers, listeners or viewers on what sets us apart, or benefit from the expertise of one of our research scientists on a hot news topic of scientific or technical significance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We make a point of promptly providing you directly with the information you need and/or with the contact information of the scientists able to answer your questions.
Last but not least, to avoid any mix-up with other institutions that may have a name close to ours but are nevertheless very distinct, we thank you in advance for paying special attention to the full and brand names of the School:
École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la Ville de Paris
For reasons of branding, we do not recommend that the name of the School be translated into foreign languages.
Thank you very much for your help.
[*Press releases*]
October 3rd, 2013. Supporting Medicine 2.0: AXA & ESPCI launch a Chair in Biomedical Imaging endowed with € 500,000
June 17, 2013. Nestlé Research Center partners with ESPCI ParisTech for a three-year sponsorship