
[*ESPCI ParisTech has always nurtured a close relationship with industry partners, both in education and research. On the one hand, the Ingénieurs, Master and Mastères graduates are bound to become the managers and executives of industry-based corporations; on the other hand, research carried out in the laboratories eventually find applications in industrial products. Among these numerous and mutually fruitful ties, the Chairs, which engage each partner at the executive level and cover common ground in both education and research, are the most elaborate forms of partnership.*]

ESPCI ParisTech educates, through scientific research, innovation-savvy engineers for industry: in this line, industry partners have clearly indicated that the School’s education programmes should retain their strong scientific and technological focus. Indeed, they have a growing need for scientific experts to foster their research and innovation power, which is essential to drive their global competitiveness.

At the same time, research at ESPCI ParisTech occupies a unique niche in the French landscape. It aims for continuous excellence as it tackles major scientific challenges, while maintaining strong ties with industry and being a recurring source of inventions of practical significance. Indeed, discovering and inventing are the two drivers of the scientific enterprise, at the core of both the academic world and the industry realm.

With its fundamental, cross-disciplinary research, the School is well equipped to address and solve complex issues of relevance to industry. For example, research scientists on campus have designed new synthetic routes to therapeutic agents, which are both shorter and more economical, and have a lower impact of the environment; non-invasive methods to measure the mechanical properties of internal tissues, for tumour detection; observation chambers that make it possible to visualise hydrodynamic flow around moving vehicles; materials with extraordinary properties, such as self-healing elastomers; sensors with ultra-high sensitivity based on superconductors; machine learning-based methods to help people who have their larynx removed preserve the ability to speak; the development of bioanalytical methods to detect target molecules in complex mixtures with biological tools; novel techniques to make liquid pearls encapsulating flavors, cosmetics or therapeutic agents, etc.

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris