ESPCI ParisTech is seeking to appoint a new Director General (“Directeur Général”) starting January 1st 2014. The application procedure will be open until October 31st 2012.
***About ESPCI
ESPCI is committed, on the one hand, to educate students in physics, chemistry and biology preparing high-level professions, on the other hand to support world-class research laboratories.
***Expected profile
The call for applications is international, but the candidates should have a good knowledge of the French system and language. They should also have strong education and research experiences at a world level, with industrial collaboration and a marked interest in innovation. They should furthermore have shown their ability to take on research or teaching responsibilities. Finally, they should be able to understand the education and research domains of ESPCI.
During a five-year mandate, renewable once, the "Directeur Général" heads the different services of ESPCI, the administrative status of which is a “Régie Administrative”. He or she chooses, with the agreement of the President of the Board, a director for education and a research director. With their help, the Directeur Général leads on education and research policies, in the context of the institution rules.
For administrative issues he is being helped by an administrative director. Furthermore he or she is the representative of ESPCI in its different projects. In particular he or she will have to contribute to the creation of the “Paris Sciences et Lettres” school of engineering.
***About the application
The application should contain a curriculum vitae and a letter of intent showing that the candidate has a good knowledge of the institution and has a vision for it. The application should be sent by e-mail before October 31st 2012. The addresses are to be found below. The candidate names will be confidential until the end of April 2013. Between December 2012 and the end of April 2013 an appropriate hiring package will be discussed with each candidate.
In any case the position includes the use of an apartment on the site of ESPCI. The first week of May 2013 (May 6th-7th) the candidates will be interviewed by the ISC, which will then provide the President of the Board of ESPCI with a ranked list of three names. Subsequently the President, after consulting the Board, will propose one name to the Paris City Mayor and the Minister of Research and Higher Education of France for an appointment starting January 1st 2014.