Programme du colloque
Jeudi 16 décembre 2010
9h 15 - « Café de Bienvenue et Introduction au Colloque
Prof. Martine Ben Amar (ENS-UPMC)
Session « Biomécanique/Biorheology »
9h 45 - 10h15 Mathias Fink
Multiwave Imaging : A solution to image rheological properties of soft tissues.
10h 15 - 10h45 Pascal Silberzan
Collective migration of epithelial cells
10h 45 - 11h15 (pause café)
11h 15 - 11h45 Bertrand Fourcade
Cooperativity between integrin activation and mechanical stress leads to integrin clustering
11h 45 - 12h15 Claude Verdier
Cellular mechanics and cell interactions in cancer
12h 15 - 12h45 Dirk Drasdo
Multi-cellular systems biology : a place where physics meets biology
12h45 déjeuner
Session « Modélisation du cancer »
14h 30 - 15h00 Jean-François Joanny
Fluidization of tissues by cell division and apoptosis
15h 00 - 15h30 Clément Chatelain
Contour instability in early melanoma growth
15h30 - 16h30 (session posters autour d’un café)
16h 30 - 17h00 Benoit Perthame
Branching patterns and cell colonies
17h 00 - 17h30 Helen Byrne
Theoretical approaches to studying the role of mechanical effects on solid tumour growth
Vendredi 17 décembre 2010
Session « Morphogenèse et mechano-biologie »
9h30 - 10h John King
Mathematical modelling of biological tissue growth
10h - 10h30 Gérard Maugin
Reflections on the problem of the longitudinal growth of long bones in mammals
10h30 - 11h00 Davide Ambrosi
Active force generation in biological tissues
11h00 - 11h30 (pause café)
11h 30 - 12h00 François Gallet
Dynamics of adhesive contacts and interactions between cadherins and integrins.
12h00 - 12h30 Arezki Boudaoud
On the harmonization of growth
12h30 - 13h00 Stéphane Douady
Le mouvement de croissances des feuilles révèlent-ils leur mécanique ?
13h déjeuner
Session « Mouvements cellulaires »
14h 30 - 15h00 Jacques Prost
Fluctuations and instabilities of epithelial tissues
15h00 - 15h30 Vladimir Lorman
Icosahedral viruses : physical principles of capsid structure, classification, self-assembly and maturation
15h30 - 16h00 (pause café)
16h00 - 16h30 Antonio Celani
Bacterial strategies for chemotaxis response
16h30 - 17h00 Eric Clément
Bactéries et micro-nageurs artificiels
17h00 - 17h30 Sébastien Neukirch
Theory for the DNA supercoiling transition in extension-rotation experiments.